Тема: вопросы на английском языке о Гость видео
автор: Bloodplus93

сообщение оставил Bloodplus93 , 08 августа 2010, 20:34
how i cant put my video in that category?

need to be good? or have much ratings? what i need to put my video there?

сообщение оставил EvilSpider , 09 августа 2010, 18:31
This section of site contain videos of different authors (not AKROSS members) who have suggested their works to be put on our site.

To appear in this section, videos should score necessary points (more than 6.5 out of 10) on special voting between AKROSS members.

Author with three or more videos in this section may become AKROSS member himself.

To suggest your video email to [email protected]

сообщение оставил Bloodplus93 , 09 августа 2010, 19:02
Цитата (EvilSpider @ 09 августа 2010, 12:31)
This section of site contain videos of different authors (not AKROSS members) who have suggested their works to be put on our site.

To appear in this section, videos should score necessary points (more than 6.5 out of 10) on special voting between AKROSS members.

Author with three or more videos in this section may become AKROSS member himself.

To suggest your video email to [email protected]

thank you i gonnna upload great psychedelics vids for guest video X)
can i use mediafire to upload videos?

сообщение оставил AnimeFanaticBoy , 16 августа 2010, 19:36
Bloodplus93 of course you can, while we can watch them  :smile:
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