Тема: удалить видео [English]
автор: Bloodplus93

сообщение оставил Bloodplus93 , 22 августа 2010, 01:41
well i can speak only english and spanish then sorry u.U

well i have a problem i upload to much stuff to my akross acc then i want to delete the bad and old stuff

so how i can delete?

i you can put some pictures

сообщение оставил AnimeFanaticBoy , 28 августа 2010, 18:35
Bloodplus93 what do you meana by put some pictures. As I remember, you cant delete it, but you can take down the download video link
сообщение оставил EvilSpider , 29 августа 2010, 05:56
Цитата (Bloodplus93 @ 22 августа 2010, 06:41)
well i have a problem i upload to much stuff to my akross acc then i want to delete the bad and old stuff

Use "Inform moderators" link and ask them to delete your video.

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